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The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals 13 th – CD ROM

The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals 13 th – CD ROM 

 Author: Merck | Editor: Maryadele J. O’Neil, Patricia E. Heckelman, Susan Budavari | Publisher:  Merck | Publication Date:  October 15, 2001 | ISBN-13:  978-0911910131 | ISO: 761 Mb

Thông tin tiếng Anh
The Merck Index Version 13 CD-ROM (Academic) is a single electronic reference of chemicals, drugs and biologically active molecules that includes more than 10,250 original monographs from the 13th edition, 540 monographs from the printed 12th edition, and 230 new monographs from the to-be published 14th edition. As in the printed edition for which the CD-ROM serves as an essential supplement, each monograph is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds. Information about these compounds includes:
* Names and synonyms
* Physical properties
* Preparations
* Therapeutic uses
* 420 Organic Name Reactions
* Over 60 pages of supplemental tables
Search capabilities in the CD-ROM version serve as a comprehensive extension to that of the print version. Instead of simply searching individually within categories such as CAS RN, Formula, and Therapuetic Category, a user can simultaneously explore various categories using search specifics like Structure, Full Text, and Name. Additionally, searches can be narrowed down further by using the references, properties, derivatives, and therapuetic category fields, to name a few.
The Merck Index Version 13 CD ROM also allows the user to conduct on-screen investigation by searching and browsing the Organic Name Reaction component of the CD. It provides effective visual aids with a wealth of supplementary tables as easy-to-access PDF files.

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