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Dermal Absorption Models in Toxicology and Pharmacology

Dermal Absorption Models in Toxicology and Pharmacology

Editor:  Jim E. Riviere  | Publisher: CRC Press | ISBN-10: 0415700361
Publication Date:  August 24, 2005   | Edition: 1 st | PDF 7,52 Mb

Thông tin Tiếng Anh
Many experimental methods and mathematical modeling approaches rooted in disciplines outside of toxicology can be effectively applied to estimating dermal absorption. Dermal Absorption Models in Toxicology and Pharmacology explores current approaches and techniques that can be used to quantify dermal absorption with endpoints useful in both toxicology and pharmacology. The book begins with a review of basic principles and the in vitro and in vivo experimental approaches available for assessing dermal absorption of drugs and chemicals. This is followed by coverage of mathematical or in silico models for quantitating percutaneous absorption and the applications of these techniques to the risk assessment process. The remainder of the book explores scenarios where the unique properties of the chemicals being studied or the matrix in which they are exposed must be considered and then wraps up with a comparative analysis of chemical permeability in human and animal skin. Many of the books covering this subject are just too comprehensive and serve primarily as reference works. This book takes a different approach. Jim Riviere's editorial guidance ensures that the information is readable, accessible, authoritative, and concise, making it the perfect resource for familiarizing new researchers and students to the field and updating established scientists.

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