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Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 5th

Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, 5th Edition

- Edited by:
1. Raymond C Rowe - Chief Scientist, Intelligensys, Stokesley, North Yorkshire, UK
2. Paul J Sheskey - Technical Services Leader, The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, USA
3. Marian E Quinn - Development Editor, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, UK
- Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press
- Publication Date: 14 / 12 / 2005
- ISBN: 1582120587
- PDF: 25,26 Mb

Thông tin Tiếng Anh
The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients is a comprehensive guide to the uses, properties and safety of pharmaceutical excipients and is an essential reference for those involved in the development, production, control or regulation of pharmaceutical preparations. 

* Collects together essential data on the physical properties of excipients 
* Scanning electron microphotographs included for many excipients 
* Information from various international sources 
* Information on the safe use and potential toxicity of the materials 
* All monographs in the Handbook are thoroughly cross-referenced and indexed so that excipients may be identified by either chemical, non-proprietary or trade names 
* Written by over 100 pharmaceutical scientists expert in pharmaceutical formulation or excipient manufacture 

New for the fifth edition: 

* Completely revised and updated 

* 300 excipient monographs 

* 50 new excipient monographs including: Agar, Boric acid, Erythritol, Inulin, Lauric acid.

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