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Drug Delivery to the Oral Cavity

Drug Delivery to the Oral Cavity

Editor: Tapash K.Ghosh, William Pfister | Publisher:  Informa Healthcare |
ISBN-10: 0824782933 Publication Date: February 28, 2005 | PDF 7,77 Mb

Thông tin Tiếng Anh
With contributions from recognized authorities in industry, academia, and government. Drug Delivery to the Oral Cavity: Molecules to Market provides information unavailable elsewhere in the literature on recently commercialized and emerging intraoral drug delivery products. It presents the state-of-the-art in the testing, formulation, and clinical evaluation of intraoral drug delivery products and summarizes intraoral dosage forms in various stages of research, as well as products currently on the market. Emphasizing the impact of intraoral drug delivery and its advantages over conventional oral dosage forms, this handbook covers the latest research concerning drug delivery to the oral cavity.

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